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    How to order prescription sunglasses with mirror coating?

    At Payne Glasses, prescription sunglasses are easy to order with just a few clicks. When shopping for different sunglasses styles, be sure to consider mirror-coating sunglasses as one of your top options. Mirror-coated lenses reflect more light, which means less light passes through the lens to your eyes. Harsh glares are more effectively eliminated with this type of sunglasses coating, allowing for more clarity in your vision even on the brightest days. Plus, mirror coatings are available in a variety of colors, and they have a stylish look that many people appreciate.


    A picture containing outdoor, person, sky, mountain Description automatically generated

    To order prescription sunglasses with a mirror coating, simply select any frame from our collections for men, women and kids. For the lens type, select Prescription Mirror Coating. If you haven’t already, upload your prescription details to confirm your order. Finalize your order and your new prescription mirror-coating sunglasses will be on their way.

    Benefits of Mirror-Coating Sunglasses

    A mirror coating is a highly reflective coating applied to the front of the lenses. Sometimes called “flash coatings”, they can block anywhere from 10-60% more visible light from reaching your eyes. There are many advantages for mirror-coated sunglasses beyond how good they look. Here are some of our favorite reasons to wear them:

    • As mentioned, they reflect more light away from the eyes to reduce glare and eye strain, which is important in full-sun and highly reflective environments.
    • They provide a brighter field of vision, which is great for truckers, athletes and others who need to see clearly for long periods.
    • Mirror coatings make sunglass lenses more resistant to scratches and other wear.
    • Others won’t be able to see your eyes, giving you a little more privacy.
    • You can combine a mirror coating with other features such as polarized lenses, anti-scratch coatings and anti-reflective coatings.

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    This article will show you how to order mirror-coated prescription sunglasses from Payne Glasses. You can learn more about various lens coatings and their functions at the Payne Glasses blog.

    How to Order Prescription Sunglasses with Mirror Coating

    Step 1: Choose your preferred frame.

    Step 2: Fill in your prescription information.

    Step 3: Choose the lens type you need.

    Step 4: Select sunglasses with mirror coating.

    Step 5: Choose the lens coating color.

    In addition to mirror-coating, there are anti-scratch and 100% UV protection coatings, anti-reflective coatings and premium oleophobic anti-reflective coatings. Order different sunglass coatings as you like. For mirror-coated sunglasses, we offer a choice of Silver or Ice Blue colors.

     Step 6:add the sunglasses to your cart and checkout.

    Then just wait for the arrival of your newly made prescription sunglasses with mirror coating! Payne Glasses will help you get the best value on mirror sunglasses that are manufactured in North America.



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