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    What Lens Coatings Should I Select?

    Lens Coatings:

    Ordering prescription eyeglass lenses can be complex. There are a number of lens options that can help make the lenses more durable, more clear, better looking and even safer.

    Image result for eyeglass coatings
    Eyeglass lenses come with many different coating options

    Anti Scratch Coating

    Imagine buying a pair of glasses and scratching them within a few days. Not only does this look bad, but if that scratch is right in the center, your vision can become affected.

    Fortunately, however, modern labs can apply an Anti-Scratch or Scratch Resistant coating. The best part is, it is relatively inexpensive and can be added with minimal cost. At Payne Glasses, we include scratch resistant coatings at no extra charge. 

    However, scratch resistance is not such a thing. All lenses can become scratched if not properly cared for. Proper care includes using a cleaner specifically designed for eyeglasses. Window cleaners and other glass cleaners often contain substances such as ammonia, which can damage eyeglass lenses. Be sure to use special eyeglass lens cloths. Paper towels and paper towels can abrade and scratch lenses, even those with a scratch-resistant coating.

    UV Protective Coating

    UV (Ultra-Violet) exposure is well known to cause damage to our bodies. Short term effects such as sunburn can be a painful reminder of that. Long term effects of UV exposure can even be fatal. The eyes are no different. Short term UV exposure to the eyes can cause keratitis (Think sun burn to the eye). Long term, it can cause pinguecula, premature cataracts, certain ocular cancers and macular degeneration. In fact UV exposure is the second biggest risk factor for macular degeneration.

    Much like scratch resistant coatings, UV coatings are fairly inexpensive and block out all the harmful UV rays that can damage the eyes. At Payne Glasses, UV protective coatings are always included at no extra charge.

    Anti-Reflective Coating

    In the image above, one lens was made with Anti-Reflective properties and one was not. Note the obvious cosmetic improvements with the AR lens.

    Now imagine yourself wearing the glasses. With 8% – 12% of the light either not getting through to your eyes, or getting through scattered and distorted, your vision is certainly affected. This creates glare and distortions from things such as lights while driving at night and from digital images such as TVs, computers and phones. Not only does it affect the vision, it can also cause a significant amount of strain to your eyes because of the scattered light getting through to your eyes.

    Anti-Reflective, Anti-Glare or AR lenses offer a solution, though. With this coating, the lens transmits over 99% of light clearly through the lenses. This offers improved cosmetics and optics that should be expected from your new glasses. Payne Glasses includes Anti-Reflective coating on all glasses sold.

    The center circle has been made with AR plastic while the outer square has not. Notice the markedly enhanced image quality through the AR portion.

    Oleophobic Anti-Reflective Coating 

    All AR coatings transmit a much higher amount of light to the eye, reducing glare and eyestrain associated with it. With this improved functionality, however, comes a lens that can be slightly more susceptible to getting dirty from things like fingerprints and even dust in the air.

    Oleophobic AR lenses resist oil deposits (like fingerprints). Because of this, they not only give nearly 100% light transmission, but they stay clean much longer than standard AR lenses. The reduced need to clean the lenses also reduces the likelihood of scratches developing. Our Premium AR lenses contain the Oleophobic properties that make them the most advanced AR lenses available.

    Image result for water on glass
    Oleophobic coating is water and oil resistant

    Sunglass Tint

    Standard- These lenses will be 80-90% tinted and are recommended for outdoor use only.

    Grey, Brown, or Green

    Gradient- These lenses are 80-90% tinted at the top and are very lightly tinted at the bottom. The percentage of tint at the bottom, however, depends on the size of the lens. 

    Grey, Brown, or Green

    Polarized vs. Non-Polarized

    Polarized- The sun’s rays reflect light in every direction and when a ray hits a flat surface, the reflected light shines back at your eye which causes glare. Polarization blocks that glare, allowing you to see more clearly

    See the difference polarized lenses can make on your view in the image below.

    Blue (HEV) Light Blockers

    Read about our Blue Light Blocking Lenses here

    Image result for blue light
    Blue light can be harmful to your eyes

    Photochromic (Light Responsive) Lenses

    Read about our Light Responsive Lenses Here

    Image result for photochromic glasses
    Photochromic Lenses darken when exposed to UV rays



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